Within our company, product quality is put first; “zero defects” is in fact the key concept that guides all programs and processing systems at ASEO.

Our company does not set limits, also looking at new market niches in which to operate, focusing on partnership projects with companies complementary to ours, in order to improve the range of solutions to offer.

We periodically carry out certifications through control cards within a well-equipped metrology room in order to obtain excellent quality levels. Furthermore, to achieve the highest quality levels during processing, the testing of the precision and repeatability of positioning of the axes was also extended on machine tools, carried out by STANIMUC, to further guarantee the ASEO product.

To improve customer service, a control system for the products produced is adopted which is divided into four different and subsequent sessions:

  • Safety test: session at ASEO premises to verify the safety of the machinery.
  • Conformity test (1st capability): session at ASEO to verify productivity and efficiency. Subsequent shipment of the machinery.
  • Acceptance testing (2nd capability): third session, to verify productivity and efficiency at the customer’s premises after installation and commissioning, in the case of machinery, which will certify compliance with the requests of the technical specifications and will provide for the possibility of inclusion in the production cycle.
  • Reliability testing: fourth session, foreseen only for machinery, which takes place after insertion into the production cycle and involves checking productivity over time.